Primary Prevention of Sexual Harm in the University Sector – Good Practice Guide (July 2023)

Sexual harm is a societal problem and just like the rest of Australian society, universities must play their part in stamping out this problem.
In Australia, many students experience sexual harm and gender-based violence on university campuses, and in the community more broadly. With one in six experiencing sexual harassment and one in 20 experiencing sexual assault at university, tertiary education providers must continue to build on and improve their efforts to prevent sexual harm.
While there are many frameworks guiding primary prevention in Australia, gaps remain. The Primary Prevention of Sexual Harm in the University Sector – Good Practice Guide seeks to fill these gaps by providing primary prevention practitioners with evidence-based approaches in a diverse range of university contexts together with insights into consultation approaches to inform successful interventions.
This guide aims to drive collaboration between primary prevention practitioners and foster a culture of working to dismantle the values, norms, practices, and structures that enable gender-based violence and sexual harm in our university communities.