National Science Foundation Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW)
This program has been temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic preventing the safe international travel of researchers. When the NSF moves forward with this initiative, UA will update this webpage and inform institutional contacts.
Following an agreement between Universities Australia and the National Science Foundation (NSF), all UA member universities are eligible to host American research fellows for between three and twelve months as part of the GROW program.
The program allows Australian universities to host high-quality NSF Graduate Research Fellows (GRF) and gives researchers valuable experience at Australia’s world-class universities.
GROW currently has research cooperation with Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Singapore, and Sweden.
The NSF will provide an international travel allowance to NSF Graduate Research Fellows to cover research and travel costs associated with international research collaboration. Additional support to cover in-country living expenses will be provided by the host university through a monthly stipend to the value of up to AUD 2,500, or equivalent in-kind support. Hosting of Fellows is subject to the availability of institutional funds and capacity of host staff.
Potential applicants are advised to make their host institution aware of the obligation to provide this support, should the host university accept the application.
Visit the NSF website for more general information or see the NSF Dear Colleague Letter for information on how to apply.
Jong-on Hahm: or
Ms Jessica Ronan
Policy Officer- International and Programs
Ph: +61 2 6285 8115